Safeguarding & Welfare
Safeguarding and Welfare Coordinator: The SWC will assist the Centre Management Team in implementing UKLC Safeguarding policies and ensuring that the centre is fully compliant. They will provide the necessary support in order to ensure that matters of safeguarding and the promotion of student welfare are paramount. In addition, they will make certain that the UKLC team, Group Leaders and students understand and adhere to the UKLC Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy as referred to in the Operating and Safeguarding Handbook (OSH).
House Parent: House Parents are responsible for the residential house(s) at selected centres with an active role in student welfare and safeguarding including health & safety and discipline.
Homestay Coordinator: The Homestay Co-ordinator is responsible for placing students in their pre-allocated families, communicating new information to the students, Group Leaders and host families regarding the programme and ensuring students arrive for scheduled classes / activities.
To learn more about the roles available, click the ‘Available Downloads‘ button above. To apply, click on the ‘Apply Now‘ button below.